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Sherrie Giddens
Jun 21, 20245 min read
Book Review: The Grieving Brain - How it Impacts the Christian Life
This book discusses several studies, done with imaging technology. on the brains of people who are grieving. It gives insight into how and w

Sherrie Giddens
May 23, 20244 min read
Sharing the Light in Life's Darkest Moments: A Journey of Faith, Healing, and Hope
While He may make us whole, the scars remain. The hurt and pain is a part of who we are now but the difference is in the way we view it.

Sherrie Giddens
May 20, 20243 min read
Biblical Wisdom for Everyday Life: Insights from Proverbs and James
It seems there is more to the equation than just wisdom. Along with wisdom we also need understanding. It is through the use of both we can

Sherrie Giddens
May 9, 20243 min read
The Power of Faith: Moving Mountains - Exploring the Lessons from Matthew 17:20-21
Let’s talk about the power of faith, the kind of faith that moves mountains. According to Jesus a small amount of faith is all it takes...

Sherrie Giddens
May 8, 20243 min read
Raising Spiritual Citizens: Nurturing Choice or Imposing Belief Systems? Exploring the Impact of Childhood Exposure to Religion
I recently read a post on Facebook. It asked if children should be taught religion (Christianity) or allowed to choose for themselves. As...

Sherrie Giddens
Apr 4, 20244 min read
When God Tells Me To Act
Have you ever felt as if you were doing exactly what God wanted you to do, only to feel He was taking a hands off approach to the situation?

Sherrie Giddens
Apr 3, 20244 min read
When Things Don't Go As Planned: Maybe It's God's Plan
I found myself grateful it wasn’t me trapped in that van waiting for someone to help me out, or worse.
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