As a keeper of the seventh day Sabbath, and someone who enjoys a bit of Christian fiction now and then, I always hoped an author, somewhere out there, would write a fictional series I could relate to. There are plenty of books for those who keep Sunday and the holidays. But I wanted something more. I wanted fiction for those who keep Sabbath and the holy days. I wanted something that would fit more with my Sabbath keeping lifestyle. I wanted something that would give me the opportunity to fall in love with fictional characters who felt as if they were friends and who loved the same things I did.
I am an author. I have written children’s books. I have written nonfiction for adults and children. I had never written fiction on an adult level. I had never written anything that required layers of character development and scenes that a reader could picture in their mind as they read through page after page. However, I began asking myself if I would like to read about fictional characters who also kept the Sabbath maybe there are others who would like that as well. Maybe I was that author somewhere out there.
The Rose Estate Series, with all of its characters, twists and turns, is the result of my efforts to bring this type of story to life. In this series you will meet Savannah, a young girl who has very little going for her other than her stubbornness and a great aunt who loves her. You will also meet Cook, a man with a big kitchen and an even bigger heart. Be careful, several readers have fallen in love with Cook. You will read about Colleen, a young and troubled girl who hides in the shadows of the big estate.
I will let you discover more about Davie and the other characters on your own. I wouldn't want to take away all the surprises these characters have planned for you. Be ready to shed a few tears and even have a laugh or two.
The first book in the series, Savannah, can be found at Amazon. You can also find the second book, Colleen, and the third, Davie, on Amazon as well.
If you have read the series, please leave a comment below and let others know your thoughts. If you haven’t read the series, this is the perfect time to get started.

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