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How To Say I Am Proud Of You In A Way That Makes A Difference

Writer: Sherrie GiddensSherrie Giddens

Updated: Jun 6, 2024

Soccer coach encouaging his team
I am proud of you are valuable words.

Are the words, I am proud of you, hard to say? Some people have a difficult time saying those words to their children, their spouses, or their friends. These four words, when used in random have no real meaning. But when they are strung together in the right order they can make a huge difference in someone’s life. Using these words shows others you believe in them and you are behind them, supporting them, and encouraging them in their efforts.

When Paul told the Corinthian church how proud of them he was, it must have been encouraging for them as individuals and as a congregation.

2 Corinthians 7:4

I am acting with great boldness toward you; I have great pride in you; I am filled with comfort. In all our affliction, I am overflowing with joy.

Paul often referred the Corinthian church as little children and looked at himself as a father to them. He acknowledge their faults but that didn't stop him from recognizing their accomplishments and how hard they were trying to do what was right.

The child who grows up never hearing their parents talk about how proud they are of them, can feel defeated. Imagine having a goal of getting all Bs on your report card and proudly showing it to your father, only to be asked why you didn't get all As. It can make a child feel like giving up and not even trying.

Mother, daughter, and grandmother, cooking together
Children need encouaging words to continue to grown and achieve their goals.

Children need to be encouraged and supported. They need to know their efforts are seen and acknowledged. Imagine that same child being told how proud their father is of them and he knows how hard they tried to get those grades. Do you think that child will continue to put in the effort and might bring home a few As the next semester?

Families are complicated communities made up of individuals who are not created to be cookie cutter shapes, sizes, or personalities. We are not all created by God in the same way. Some of us are artists, writers, dancers, musicians, orators, or homeschoolers. Others might be electricians, plumbers, or computer programmers. But, we all have our own place, our own strengths, and even our own weaknesses.

Adults need to hear those words as much as children. They can carry so much weight. When a person you love takes the time to acknowledge your efforts and tell you they are proud of you, it can drive you to put in more effort and do even better. It is easier to believe in yourself when someone else believes in you.

By withholding encouragement you may very well stunt the growth of those you love and want to succeed. There are many ways to invest in someone's future, but being proud of them is one of the easiest and can bring an immediate return.

Two women playing Japanese guitars
Adults need to be encouraged as much as children.

Imagine how encouraged the Corinthian church was, to know that Paul was proud of them. His love for them was evident in his words of encouragement. Do we share that same kind of love and encouragement with those we are close to? It isn't difficult to say, "I am proud of you." Try it.

Today I would like to challenge you to tell the people you love, you are proud of them. Use specifics. Tell them you are proud of how hard they work to accomplish a particular goal. Or, how proud of them you are for overcoming a particular hurdle. Maybe you will tell them how proud you are to see the kind of person they have become and name the specific qualities you see in them.

When you tell someone you are proud of them you are investing in that person’s future. You are telling them you recognize something inside of them and you see how they use it to accomplish the things that are important to them. Investing those words in the people you love will go a long way in bolstering their confidence. Don’t be surprised to see them try harder and accomplish greater things.

Take up this challenge and let me know how it goes. Leave a comment below.

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