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Raising Spiritual Citizens: Nurturing Choice or Imposing Belief Systems? Exploring the Impact of Childhood Exposure to Religion

Writer: Sherrie GiddensSherrie Giddens

Updated: Jun 6, 2024

Children singing in choir
Exposing children to religious activities can help them in making life long decisions.

I recently read a post on Facebook. It asked if children should be taught religion (Christianity) or allowed to choose for themselves. As I looked through the comments, I was surprised to find most commenters felt as if children should be allowed to choose for themselves.

In this article we will discuss raising Spiritual citizens and the impact of childhood exposure to religion and if it leads to nurturing choice or imposing belief systems.

The question and comments took me back to childhood, standing beside my mother as we sang hymns in church or watching her follow along with the sermon as she flipped through her Bible, reading the scriptures our pastor mentioned. I still remember some of the sermons I heard and the impact they had on me as a child.

It was due to this early exposure that I made a choice to develop a relationship with God. I could see how important God and the Bible was to my mother. I never felt as if her beliefs were being forced upon me but rather she was sharing something important with me.

Mother helping little girl practice the piano
We encourage children to develop skills to help them live successful lives.

Given the opportunity to opt out, most children would not choose to practice the piano each day. Those who become great piano players are often exposed at a young age and then made to practice each day by a parent who understands the need to do so.

The same could be said for many areas of life. We don’t allow our children to eat whatever they want. We do our best to provide them with good nutritious foods and teach them the benefits of eating good food versus eating junk.

Our children need an education. We make them get out of bed and send them off to school. We instill the need for doing homework, getting good grades, and making a place for themselves in the world. We want them to be successful.

Children don’t always know what is best for them. Would a child who was not exposed to art become a great artist? Would a great piano player have a future if his parents had not taught him at a young age to appreciate the value of music? Would a child, who was never taken to the gym, ever learn to use the parallel bars? Would an author ever learn to write if their parents felt indifferent to their education?

It is through exposure to various activities and events that our children develop skills and learn to implement them in a successful way. Is religious exposure any different?

Young children do not have the ability to understand how their decisions today will impact their adulthood and future decisions. We understand children need to be taught before they can grasp certain concepts and ideas. By teaching them we are not forcing certain ideas on them but rather introducing them to various aspects of life and how it might or might not impact their future.

How many of us wish we had opportunities as children that never came along?

Father in prayer with son and daughter
Setting the example and helping our children understand religious concepts can be an importat part of their education.

Children learn by example. If your child sees that religion, God, and the Bible are not important to you they may believe it isn’t important at all. Why would they choose to pursue it as an adult?

If we want them to make an informed decision we need to think about raising Spiritual citizens, or children who understand what it means to have a relationship with God.

There is a lot to consider when we make the decision not to involve our children in a Christian life. We are telling them we don’t believe it is of any value to us or to them. We are telling them through our example that a relationship with God is less important than going to school, having a career, or the hobbies we practice. How can they make an informed decision if they have never been taught about concepts like faith, prayer, God, and the stories shared within the Bible?

If we love our children and want them to make their own choices when it comes to Christianity, maybe we should consider giving them the information they need to make that choice. By taking them to church, introducing them to what the Bible says, and helping them develop a relationship with God we are giving them the foundation they need to make an informed decision later in life.

Our children will grow into adults and make many decisions along the way. Most of those decisions will be based on past experiences and truths learned. Give them every opportunity they need to make the kind of decisions that will help them create and live successful lives.

Cherish the Journey!


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