In our quiet moments of reflection, we may find we desire a deeper connection than our daily routines may provide. Seeking the Lord is a journey and one we should cherish. It is about seeking to align ourselves with Him, His ways, and His truth. It is about seeking His heart with our heart and being ready to surrender our will to His will. In that time, when we seek Him, we should be ready to draw close to Him. In pursuing Him we are asking Him to also pursue us, to make us His, and to give us a deeper understanding of who He is and what He desires of us.
In this act of humility it is a time to put aside any wisdom we might think we have and ask for His wisdom in our lives. We can also ask for the strength to continue to seek Him even if the world around us sees it as foolishness. We should acknowledge that He is the true sources of everything good and righteous.
As we read the scriptures we can seek to learn from those who loved the Lord. We can learn from their examples and how He responded to them. We can discover the promises He has made to those who love Him and keep His words and how those words apply to our lives.
Seeking Him is not a one time event, but an ongoing relationship. It is not passive but active. It is a choice to seek that relationship and continue in it, growing in grace and knowledge as we allow Him to work in our lives, our minds, and our hearts.
Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you. Seek Him with all your heart and you will find Him. Choose to make Him a part of everything you do. You will discover that He is not a God who is hidden but one who desires to be a part of your life.
To seek Him, it is important we have a Bible. It is through His words we gain more understanding of who He is and what He desires of us. Do you have a Bible? If not, you will find a link below to help you find a Bible that fits your needs.
Do you know were to begin with your personal journey to seek the Lord? Sometimes the ideas of what it means to pray, study our Bibles, or seek Him can be a little overwhelming. Below I have included a few links to free resources that might help you in your journey to seek Him. I hope you find them helpful.
You can download or order free copy of this Booklet, Who is God, from the United Church of God. They have several other booklets available as well, such as Why Were You Born?
I am a member of this church and enjoy sharing many of the Bible study helps they have with my readers. If you are in need a Bible this New King James Version is a best seller at Amazon and is not too expensive in comparison to others available. I do receive a small commission for all qualifying purchases but that does not increase your price at all. More than anything, I want you to find the Bible that meets your needs and helps you in your efforts to seek the Lord.
Cherish the Journey!